Sentimental shooting
Sentimental shooting

Naturally, anyone who does this is considered fair game for Cargo Ship jokes.Ī subtrope of Named Weapons - this trope only applies when the name is a nickname given by the wielder, not a name the wielder is informed of by word of mouth or writing, or as an otherwise "official" name. In any case, someone who gives a name to their gun or knife is usually someone to watch out for and generally not one to mess with. Anyone who does this either has a sentimental attachment to said weapon, is a veteran from some war, is a major Gun Nut, is a person who lost their love and still remembers them, is generally insane, or is some combination of the above. Some people have really strong emotions about their weapons. Well, this trope is where people name their "arms." When people name their body parts - particularly their arms - they're probably saying Meet My Good Friends Lefty and Righty.

Sentimental shooting