Why isn't it good enough by now but will be by 2017? Just because software developers will force you to update in order to keep running the latest versions of their plugs?Įl Capitan introduced metal and 10.11.3 is already better than 10.10.5. Well, 10.10.5 has been around for at least a year and that's the final iteration of Yosemite. Going with that reasoning, it seems that in 2017 you might move do Yosemite because then it will be "stable". One could say that you could've upgraded back in 2014 if you wanted to. Well, 10.9.5 has been out for around two years now. I'm sure 10.9.5 will be fine, but mostly myself am in a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" scenario, and some of my friends are in the same boat. small things that contribute to a multi-system work flow mess. (I believe one has an older line of Apogee convertors whose firmware cannot reach compatibility with 10.9.5 etc.). but I personally have 3 different locations I work at, and with the different hardware configurations/software configurations, ML has been the prudent choice in that department for different reasons I can't even recall or list all of right now.

Mavericks has definitely come a long way since it's inception, and I haven't heard that many people complaining about it of late. so haven't even bothered to update myself.) (I have not used Logic as much lately, except for tracking certain things.

Does the latest version of LogicX even work on Mavericks? Or does it require Yosemite or ElCapitan. (Native Instruments for instance.), and obviously, newer iterations of LogicX. Why not just upgrade to Mavericks?I myself have personally held onto 10.8.5, (and tried to hold onto 10.6.8 as long as possible) for different reasons, but I know I will have to up to Mavericks pretty soon as most devs are pushing that hand.